报错 1055


1055:Expression #13 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'payment.b.nick_name' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by [ SQL语句 ] : SELECT MAX(c.time),a.id,a.active,a.time as times,a.total_fee,a.shop_openid,a.make_pay,a.pay_config_id,a.time_pay,a.order_pay,a.is_make,a.state,b.nick_name,b.openid,c.openid,c.order_id,c.time,c.error,c.fee FROM pay_order a INNER JOIN user as b ON a.shop_openid = b.openid left join pay_order_shop_pay as c ON a.id = c.order_id WHERE ( (a.state = 4 and c.is_done = 0) ) GROUP BY c.order_id ORDER BY c.time desc LIMIT 0,20
