Jscript 5.0中的新特性

Jscript 5.0唯一的改变是引入了错误处理。

  Java风格的try和catch结构在Jscript 5.0中得到了支持。例如:

Function GetSomeKindOfIndexThingy() {
   Try {
       // If an exception occurs during the execution of this
       // block of code, processing of this entire block will
       // be aborted and will resume with the first statement in its
       // associated catch block.
       Var objSomething = Server.CreateObject (“SomeComponent”);
       Var intIndex = objSomething.getSomeIndex();
       Return intIndex;
   catch (exception) {
       // This code will execute when *any* exception occurs during the
       // execution of this function
       alert (‘Oh dear, the object didn’t expect you to do that’);

  内建的Jscript Error对象有3个属性,它们定义了上次的运行期错误。可在catch块中使用它们获得有关错误的更多信息。

Alert (Error.number);       // Gives the numeric value of the error number
// And the result with 0xFFFF to get a ‘normal’ error number in ASP
Alert (error.description);     // Gives an error desciption as a string


// Define our own Exception object
function MyException (intNumber, strDescripton, strInfo) {
   this.Number = intNumber;      // Set the Number property
   this.Description = strDescription;   // Set the Description property
   this.CustomInfo = strInfo;     // Set some ‘information’ property


function GetSomeKindOfIndexThingy() {
   try {
       Var objSomething = Server.CreateObject (“SomeComponent”);
       Var intIndex = objSomething.getSomeIndex();
       If (intIndex == 0) {
          // Create a new MyException object
          theException = new MyException (0x6F1, “Zero index not permitted”,
          throw theException;
       catch (objException) {
          if (objException instanceof MyException) {
       // This is one of our custom exption objects
              if (objException.Category == “Index_Err”) {
                 alert (‘Index Error: ‘ + objException.Description);
                 alert (‘Undefined custom error: ‘ + objException.Description);
              // Not “our” exception, so display it and raise to next higher routine
              alert (Error.Description + ‘ (‘ + Error.Number + ‘)’);
              throw exception;


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