
最近试着写了些F#代码。不过习惯了TDD的我心里感觉有点不踏实,是不是还缺点什么呢?对了,单体测试。经过一番搜索和调查我决定试试 FsUnit。结合该框架的示例代码的学习备注如下。

(* 添加引用 *)
#r "FsUnit.NUnit.dll" 
#r "nunit.framework.dll"
(* 导入命名空间 *)
open NUnit.Framework 
open FsUnit
(* 定义被测类 *) 
type LightBulb(state) = 
     member x.On = state 
     override x.ToString() = 
             match x.On with 
             | true    -> "On" 
             | false -> "Off"
该 TestFixture包含了分别测试On属性和toString方法的两个测试方法。
type ``Given a LightBulb that has had its state set to true`` ()= 
     let lightBulb = new LightBulb(true) 
     [<Test>] member x. 
        ``when I ask whether it is On it answers true.`` ()= 
                     lightBulb.On |> should be True 
     [<Test>] member x. 
        ``when I convert it to a string it becomes "On".`` ()= 
                     string lightBulb |> should equal "On"
type ``Given a LightBulb that has had its state set to false`` ()= 
     let lightBulb = new LightBulb(false) 
     [<Test>] member x. 
        ``when I ask whether it is On it answers false.`` ()= 
                     lightBulb.On |> should be False 
     [<Test>] member x. 
        ``when I convert it to a string it becomes "Off".`` ()= 
                     string lightBulb |> should equal "Off"



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