
  1.       CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTUION funcion_name [参数表列]


  3.        IS|AS

  4.        PL/SQL BLOCK


  Java 代码

  1. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_age(per_id in person_id)

  2.        return number

  3.    is

  4.        v_age person.id%type :=0;

  5.    begin

  6.        select age

  7.        into V_age

  8.        from person

  9.        where id=per_id;

  10.        return v_age;

  11.    end get_age;

  12.    /


  CallableStatement cs;

  try {

  // 调用一个没有参数的函数; 函数返回 a int

  // 预处理callable语句

  1. cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call get_age}");

  2. // 注册返回值类型

  3. cs.registerOutParameter(1, i);

  4. // Execute and retrieve the returned value

  5. cs.execute();

  6. int retValue = cs.getInt(1);

  cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call get_age}");

  // 注册返回值类型

  cs.registerOutParameter(1, i);

  // Execute and retrieve the returned value


  int retValue = cs.getInt(1);

  // 调用有一个in参数的函数; the function returns a number

  cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call get_age(?)}");   // Register the type of the return value

  cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.number);   // Set the value for the IN parameter

  cs.setInt(2, 95001);   // Execute and retrieve the returned value

  cs.execute();   retValue = cs.getInt(1);

  1. cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call get_age(?)}");

  2.    // Register the type of the return value

  3.    cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.number);

  4.    // Set the value for the IN parameter

  5.    cs.setInt(2, 95001);

  6.    // Execute and retrieve the returned value

  7.    cs.execute();

  8.    retValue = cs.getInt(1);

  // 调用有一个out参数的函数; the function returns a VARCHAR

  cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call get_age(?)}");

  // Register the types of the return value and OUT parameter

  cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);

  cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);

  // Execute and retrieve the returned values


  retValue = cs.getString(1);            // return value

  String outParam = cs.getString(2);    // OUT parameter

  // 调用有一个in/out参数的函数; the function returns a VARCHAR

  cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call get_age(?)}");   // Register the types of the return value and OUT parameter

  cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.NUMBER);

  cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.NUMBER);

  1. cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call get_age(?)}");

  2.     // Register the types of the return value and OUT parameter

  3.     cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.NUMBER);

  4.     cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.NUMBER);

  // Set the value for the IN/OUT parameter

  1. cs.setInt(2, 95002);


  3. // Execute and retrieve the returned values

  4. cs.execute();

  5. retValue = cs.getInt(1);            // return value

  6. outParam = cs.getInt(2);            // IN/OUT parameter

  7. } catch (SQLException e) {

  8. }


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