教你快速学会 xajax

译者按: xajax 最大的特点是他采用了xml response,这样我们可以用php来布置,处理异步传送数据之后,网页内容的更新。而这些操作其它的ajax 框架都是由js来完成的的。xajax 使我们只需要写一些php函数,就可以实现。

  所有学好xajax的关健在于熟练掌握 xajaxresponse 类。

  tutorials:learn xajax in 10 minutes

  教程:十分钟学会 xajax

  using xajax in a php script


  include the xajax class library:



  instantiate the xajax object:


  $xajax = new xajax();

  register the names of the php functions you want to be able to call through xajax:

  注册一个你想用xajax来调用的php函数名(与javascript中的函数名相对应 xajax_myfunction)


  write the php functions you have registered and use the xajaxresponse object to return xml commands from them:

  编写那个你刚刚已经注册的php函数,并从中用 xajaxresponse 对象来返回xml指令集

function myfunction($arg)
  // do some stuff based on $arg like query data from a database and
  // put it into a variable like $newcontent
  //对参数$arg做一些诸如:从数据库中获取数据后定义给$newcontent 变量的基本操作
  // instantiate the xajaxresponse object
  //实例化 xajaxresponse 对象
  $objresponse = new xajaxresponse();
  // add a command to the response to assign the innerhtml attribute of
  // the element with id="someelementid" to whatever the new content is
  // 在响应实例中添加一个命令,用来将id为someelementid的innerhtml元素属性
  // 变为任何新的内容.
  $objresponse->addassign("someelementid","innerhtml", $newcontent);
  //return the xml response generated by the xajaxresponse object
  //返回由 xajaxresponse 对象所生成的xml 响应
  return $objresponse->getxml();

  before your script sends any output, have xajax handle any requests:



  between your <head></head> tags, tell xajax to generate the necessary javascript:


  <?php $xajax->printjavascript(); ?>


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